
Hyperbaric (from the Greek ὑπέρ - above and βάρος - heaviness) - under pressure above atmospheric.

Hyperbaric oxygenation, or oxygen therapy, is a method of treatment and prevention based on inhaling oxygen at elevated pressure in a special pressure chamber. At the same time, much more oxygen is dissolved in the blood and tissues of the body than at normal pressure. This helps to enhance metabolic processes, stimulate tissue regeneration, accelerate wound healing, etc.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used to treat various diseases and pathological conditions: poisoning, trauma, burns, gangrene, myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, anaerobic infection, etc. The procedures are carried out in special medical pressure chambers under the supervision of a physician.

Hyperbaric (from the Greek ὑπέρ - above, above and βάρος - heaviness) is a term meaning being under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure.

A hyperbaric environment is created in special hyperbaric pressure chambers, where pressure can exceed atmospheric pressure several times. This environment is used in medicine for the treatment of various diseases and rehabilitation after injuries - for example, hyperbaric oxygenation increases the saturation of tissues with oxygen. In addition, hyperbarium is used by divers and scuba divers during deep-sea diving.

Thus, hyperbaric means being under conditions of increased pressure compared to normal atmospheric pressure. This allows the use of such conditions for medical and technical purposes.

Hyperbaric gases: what are they and how are they used?

Hyperbaric (from the Greek hyper - “over”, “above,” baros - “heavy”) - a state of gas at pressures exceeding atmospheric pressure. Gas atoms in this state are easily detached from the surface. This process is called chemical destruction. In hyperbaric states, a large number of gases are encountered. For example: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, methane, ammonia, carbon monoxide, organic acids, etc. Due to this, there is an inexhaustible resource of materials that will allow