
Hyperchloremia is a condition in which the level of chlorides in the blood is higher than normal. Hyperchloremic syndrome can be caused by various reasons, such as diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, as well as taking certain medications.

Hyperchloremia can lead to serious complications such as impaired kidney function, pulmonary edema, heart failure, and even death. Therefore, it is important to diagnose and treat hyperchloremia promptly.

One of the symptoms of hyperchloremia is increased thirst and dry mouth. Nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, rapid heartbeat and high blood pressure may also occur.

To diagnose hyperchloremic syndrome, laboratory tests of blood, urine and other biological fluids are performed. Depending on the cause of hyperchloremia, additional examinations may be prescribed.

Treatment for hyperchloremic hypotension may include diuretics, which help remove excess chloride from the body. Therapy may also be prescribed to address the underlying cause of hyperchloremia.

Overall, hyperchloremic hypotension is a serious condition that can lead to serious complications. Therefore, it is important to diagnose it in time and begin treatment.