
Hypernatremia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hypernatremia is a condition characterized by elevated levels of sodium in the blood. The term "hypernatremia" is derived from the Greek word "haima", meaning "blood", and is combined with the prefix "hyper-", indicating excess. This medical condition requires attention and treatment as it can lead to serious complications.

The causes of hypernatremia can be varied. One of the most common reasons is a lack of water in the body. This may occur due to insufficient water intake or excess fluid loss through the kidneys, intestines or skin. Another common cause is improper kidney function, which can lead to insufficient sodium excretion from the body.

Symptoms of hypernatremia may include dry mouth, thirst, weakness, drowsiness, irritability, and disturbances in consciousness. In older people, symptoms may be less obvious or absent altogether. If sodium levels in the blood are prolonged and severe, serious complications may occur, such as seizures, headaches, abnormal heart rhythms, and even coma.

The diagnosis of hypernatremia is usually based on a test of sodium levels in the blood. Additional tests may include a urine test to evaluate kidney function and other tests to determine the underlying cause of hypernatremia.

Treatment of hypernatremia is aimed at normalizing sodium levels in the blood and restoring water balance in the body. In cases of water deficiency, it is usually recommended to increase fluid intake. In more serious cases, intravenous fluids may be required. If hypernatremia is caused by an underlying condition, such as kidney failure, treatment for that condition is required.

Prevention of hypernatremia involves maintaining normal levels of hydration by regularly drinking enough water. This is especially important in hot weather or during physical activity. Older adults and people with certain medical conditions should seek medical advice regarding the optimal balance of water and salt in their diet.

In conclusion, hypernatremia is a condition characterized by elevated levels of sodium in the blood. It can have various causes and manifestations. Early detection and treatment of hypernatremia is important to prevent serious complications. Following your doctor's recommendations to stay hydrated and drinking enough water regularly will help reduce your risk of developing hypernatremia and maintain your health.

Hypernatremia is an increased level of sodium ions in the blood due to sodium retention in the body and a decrease in the volume of extracellular fluid (plasmamenia). Hypersodium refers to the increased content of Na+ ions in body fluids (blood, cerebrospinal fluid, intraocular fluid, exudate, transudate, etc.), as well as in biological tissues