Hyperostosis Generalized Ossifying

Generalized ossifying hyperostosis (hyperostosis generalisata ossificans) is a rare disease characterized by progressive ossification (ossification) of ligaments, tendons and muscles.

With this disease, pathological deposition of bone tissue occurs in the soft tissues of the body, primarily in the area of ​​the shoulder and hip joints, spine and soles. Over time, ankylosis (immobility) of the joints develops.

The causes of hyperostosis generalized ossificans are not fully understood. Presumably, the basis is a violation of the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium.

Diagnosis is based on radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment is mainly symptomatic and aimed at reducing pain and maintaining joint mobility. The prognosis is serious due to the progressive course of the disease and disability of patients.

Surprisingly, few people have not heard of hyperosteosis, since this disease is one of the most common chronic pathologies of humanity. Its symptoms, manifested in the form of growths, painful tumors and cysts, are known to many; you just need to look a little with your finger and then you can enjoy the worries about your health. But few people know how exactly a hyperosteroid occurs, why it is difficult to treat or even diagnose. In addition to a purely scientific, practical approach, it would be useful to simply know what