
Welcome to the world of hyperpathy! Hyperpathy is a condition in which a person experiences a deep dislike for someone or something. Many people believe that this is an extreme form of hatred or disgust, but in reality it is more of a symptom of severe discomfort and irritability. In this article we will look at how hyperpathy affects a person's life, why it occurs and how it can be overcome.

Hyperpathy can occur for various reasons, but it is mainly associated with emotional or psychological factors. For example, a person may experience hyperpathy towards his parents if they constantly criticize and humiliate him. Or to your partner, if he constantly causes scandals and conflicts. In general, the reasons may be different, but the result is always the same - painful feelings and experiences.

How does hyperpathy occur? When a person encounters a person who evokes strong negative emotions in him, his brain begins to react to this object as a source of threat or danger. This manifests itself as changes in physiological responses such as increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and even changes in breathing. In addition, the brain begins to send signals to other parts of the body, activating processes associated with stress and anxiety. All this leads to hostility and reluctance to contact this person.

It is important to note that hyperpathy is not a normal reaction to stress or adversity. It is more of an emotional disorder that can lead to serious


Hyperpathy is a psychological phenomenon that is characterized by intolerance towards the emotions of other people. This is a state in which a person feels irritated and disgusted by the feelings of other people, especially if they do not correspond to his expectations or ideas about how to behave in that situation.