
Hyperpyrexia is a pathological increase in body temperature that can occur with various diseases and conditions. The cause of hyperpyrexia can be stress, fasting, infections, burns and other factors. Depending on the cause of this condition, hyperpyrexia can be divided into different forms. For example, infectious hyperpyrexia is characterized by a high temperature of more than 38.5 degrees Celsius for three days or more. In this case, increased sweating is accompanied by a disturbance in the general condition - headache, sleep disturbance, muscle pain. The atypical form is an acute febrile illness caused by conditionally

Hyperpyrexia is usually called a prolonged increase in body temperature (over 38.5 degrees Celsius) without the presence of signs of a cold or any other disease. This condition in itself is not a disease, but very often it is accompanied by fever and is its cause.

Hyperpyrexia should not be confused with hyperthermia (increased body temperature), which is generally considered a normal response of the body to external stimuli and is characterized by a higher, rather than prolonged, body temperature. While hyperpyrexia is characterized by a prolonged, prolonged fever. Sometimes hyperpyrexia may be accompanied by delirium, confusion