
Introduction to hypersublimating products: what are they and why are they needed? Hyper-sublimation of products is one of the latest trends in modern marketing and product promotion. This means that companies strive to make their products more attractive and memorable by using additional elements that help strengthen the emotional connection with consumers. In this

Hypersublimation refers to increased attention to creativity and self-development when using sublimations. This is expressed in a heightened desire to find more meaningful meaning in life, achieve an ideal, or get out of a routine state. To achieve this, people do various extreme things to overcome fear and reduce anxiety. Sometimes hypersublimated individuals can become so passionate about spiritual practices that they lose touch with reality and live in their own fictional world.

Despite the fact that hypersublimation is a psychological phenomenon that many people suffer from, it has its positive aspects. In the pursuit of self-improvement, people achieve many goals and reveal their creative potential. In addition, if they understand that all our actions are aimed at improving the quality of our own lives, then we should not consider their actions as a manifestation of negative behavior.

The operating principles of this model of psychological defense are as follows: a person is faced with a difficult experience, but instead of aggravating the situation, he strives to get the desired result. At the same time, to minimize the negative impact of people around him, he can turn to loved ones for help.

To determine if you have signs of hypersublimation, take a test that includes the following steps:

Focus on your emotions, thoughts and behavior. Pay attention to everything that causes you tension and irritation. What's stopping you from living life to the fullest? Are there things you stubbornly ignore? See if you can find other ways to cope with your emotions. If you cannot resolve the problem on your own, contact a specialist for help. Determine how often you use the principle of hypersublimation in your life. Do you try to overcome your fears and anxieties through extreme activities: skydiving, car racing or extreme sports? Do you try to achieve success in your career or sport, despite being tired and lacking time? Do you consciously use your talents and the talents of others to achieve common goals? Does your activity contribute to the development of society and science?