Hypertension Vasorenal

Vasorenal hypertension

Vasorenal hypertension - (h. vasorenalis; lat. vas vessel + ren kidney; syn. g. renovascular) is a form of arterial hypertension caused by changes in the vessels of the kidneys.

Causes of renovascular hypertension:

  1. atherosclerosis of the renal arteries
  2. fibromuscular dysplasia of the renal arteries
  3. congenital anomalies of the renal vessels
  4. vasculitis
  5. renal artery thrombosis

Clinical manifestations:

  1. resistant arterial hypertension
  2. progressive decline in kidney function
  3. asymmetry in kidney size

Diagnosis is based on:

  1. Ultrasound of the kidneys with Doppler sonography
  2. CT angiography
  3. MR angiography
  4. selective angiography of the renal arteries


  1. drug therapy for hypertension
  2. revascularization operations on the renal arteries
  3. nephrectomy of the affected kidney

In recent years, many people have been faced with the problem of hypertension: high blood pressure. Many people do not realize that it is a disease and do not see a doctor. This can lead to serious consequences such as stroke and heart attack. One form of hypertension is Vasorenal hypertension (RVH).

IOP is a form of arterial hypertension caused by narrowing of the lumen of one or more renal arteries. Narrowing of the lumen of the renal arteries causes an increase in resistance to blood flow, reduces blood flow to the kidneys and can lead to the development of various complications.

Symptoms of IOP typically include headaches, high blood pressure, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and symptoms of kidney failure.

Diagnosis of IOP includes ultrasound examination of the kidneys and blood vessels, blood and urine tests, and renal arteriography. Treatment for IOP depends on the degree of narrowing of the arteries and may include drug therapy, surgery, or a combination of treatments.

In most cases, IOP can be prevented with lifestyle changes. It is necessary to limit salt intake, exercise regularly, control weight and stop smoking. If you notice symptoms of IOP, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Thanks to early detection and timely treatment, IOP can be successfully eliminated and possible complications can be avoided.