Hyperventilation Test

Hyperventilation test

Hyperventilation test is a method for studying the function of external respiration and diagnosing certain diseases of the nervous system.

The hyperventilation test is used:

  1. To study external respiration. In this case, it is based on voluntary intensification and acceleration of respiratory movements, followed by determination of the indicator of maximum ventilation of the lungs.

  2. In psychiatry - for the diagnosis of epilepsy. The method is based on provoking an epileptic attack (or epileptic changes recorded on the EEG) by deliberately deepening and increasing breathing.

Hyperventilation is used to reveal hidden epileptic brain activity. In this case, patients with epilepsy experience characteristic changes on the EEG or develop an epileptic attack.

Thus, the hyperventilation test is an important diagnostic method that allows you to assess the function of external respiration and identify some diseases of the nervous system.

Introduction to the hypoventilation test

Hyperventilation test is one of the methods for studying the function of the external respiratory apparatus. It is based on the natural reduction of gases in the blood that the subject exhales. This method makes it possible to establish the ventilation function of the respiratory organs both in healthy people and in persons with external respiratory pathology. It well reflects changes in the appearance of the body during the tests. Increased excitability is more likely in the nature of a hallucinatory episode, to a lesser extent psychopath-like. The worsening of the condition is noted during the second test. It increases even more with a single injection of atropine sulfate. During the test, patients have the following symptoms and changes in the body: 1. An attack of fever. There is a strong heart rate and shortness of breath 2. Cough and nasal congestion. 3. Excruciating headache 4. Insomnia 5. Impaired coordination of movements 6. Vomiting and convulsions. At the next stages, an epileptic seizure may develop, which will be recorded on the phontensiogram and on the electroencephalogram. It is important to show these results to the doctor during the report on the experiment.