
Rachischisis is a disease characterized by spina bifida. It occurs due to disruption of the development of the spine in the womb.

Rachischisis manifests itself in the form of spinal deformation, which can lead to various complications, such as impaired mobility, back and neck pain, and decreased quality of life.

Various methods are used to treat rachischisis, including surgery, physical therapy, and medication. In some cases, special orthopedic correction may be required.

It is important to note that rachischisis is a fairly rare disease and its diagnosis can be difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to contact specialists for timely detection and treatment of this disease.

Rachischisis is a congenital change in the soft and hard palate - partial or complete congenital “splitting” of the palate at the junction of soft and hard tissues. It manifests itself as a wavy or zigzag divergence of the soft and hard palatine edges, without affecting