
Hypogalactia is a syndrome characterized by insufficient production of breast milk in a woman.

Hypogalactia may be associated with insufficient milk supply to the mother's body, impaired absorption, or redistribution of nutrition between mother and child. The most common cause of hypogalactia is improper attachment of the baby to the breast.

To prevent hypogalactia, it is necessary to properly attach the baby to the breast, as well as feed him regularly. If a problem arises, you need to consult a doctor who will help you choose the right treatment.

Hypogalactia is a condition in which a woman is unable to produce enough breast milk. It is not enough to satisfy all the child's needs. In this article we will look at the main causes, symptoms and treatment of hypogalactia.

Why can women have hypogalactia?

Hypogalactia can occur for various reasons. The main ones are:

Insufficient secretion of prolactin, a hormone that regulates milk production. This can happen if prolactin is not produced in sufficient quantities or is eliminated from the body too quickly. Impaired production of other hormones, such as cortisol or thyroid-stimulating hormone.