Hyposensitization Nonspecific

Non-specific hyposensitization is the process of neutralizing the body from the effects of allergens. It is one of the measures against allergies and reducing the risk of allergic reactions. Such methods refer to non-drug treatment of allergies, and therefore are widely used in complex therapy, given the persistence and lack of side effects of non-drug medications. Hyposesensitization is not a specific method of combating allergies. Its main goal is to regulate the tone of nerves and blood vessels. Procedures are often performed on the face, neck, and less commonly on the upper and lower extremities. If you choose the right method and timing of the procedures, you can completely or significantly minimize the load on the body during the period of exacerbation of the disease. To fully understand the mechanism of operation of these procedures, it is worth understanding how they are carried out. Hyposesensization of a non-specialist can occur in different ways. The main condition for its effective implementation is the right time. If the patient has chosen the time when the disease begins

Nonspecific hyposensitization is a method that consists in reducing sensitivity to nonspecific stimuli caused by hyperexcitability of the body due to the action of unfavorable environmental factors or pathological processes occurring in the body. The main task of nonspecific hyposensitization is the elimination of various vicious phenomena of the functional-neurodynamic state; during this method, new conditioned reflex connections are developed, forming a system of subsequent adaptation of the body. A significant role is played by endocrine mechanisms associated with an increase in the level of immunoglobulins and a decrease in the body’s reactivity under the influence of hormones of the adrenal cortex, as well as with the influence of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Important for nonspecific hyposensitization is the process of regulating the neurohumoral activity of the body by involving a complex of 3 regulatory components in the therapeutic process: exo-, endo- and autotherapeutic, representing a certain universality of the therapeutic mechanism. Attempts to create a universal method of nonspecific hyposensitization do not lose relevance in clinical practice both abroad and in our country. However, the complex use of exotherapeutic, autotherapeutic and endotherapy makes it possible to consider nonspecific hyposensitization as a universal remedy with a wide range of medicinal assistance without specific allergens. Nonspecific hyposensitization is carried out only with certain special preparation of patients for its implementation. First, it is necessary to create a clear stereotype of behavior, where the dominant role would be social factors that determine the concentration of a person’s attention on the repetition of certain actions in appropriate doses. This “social correction” is built on a psychotherapeutic basis using psychostimulants of exogenous and endogenous therapy, which are not used in isolation, but in combination with other therapeutic interventions. The goal of all therapeutic interventions is to eliminate additional factors or “activating states” that reflect a decrease in the functional energy of the mental sphere. In the process of differentiated inpatient treatment, their significance in the development of the most