Girsha-Seguri Operation

Hirsch-Segura Operation: History, Principle and Application

The Hirsch-Segura operation is a surgical procedure that was developed by Austrian surgeon Otto Hirsch and Argentine otolaryngologist Eduardo Segura in the early 20th century. This operation was created to treat severe forms of hypertrophy of the anterior part of the middle turbinate, which cause difficulty breathing and nosebleeds.

The principle of the Hirsch-segura operation is to remove part of the mucous membrane of the anterior part of the middle turbinate using a ball-shaped knife. This procedure is performed through the nasal passages without the need for surgery through the skin of the face or mouth. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and does not require hospitalization of the patient.

Gierscha and Segura developed their operation at a time when other treatments for turbinate hypertrophy, such as electrocoagulation and laser therapy, were still unknown. The Hirsch-Segura procedure has become popular in many parts of the world and remains one of the most common procedures for treating turbinate hypertrophy.

Hirsch-Segura surgery has a number of advantages over other methods of treating turbinate hypertrophy. It is performed without the need for hospitalization of the patient, does not require general anesthesia and does not cause serious complications. However, like any medical procedure, Hirsch Segura surgery may cause some side effects such as bleeding, infection and soreness in the nasal area.

In conclusion, it can be said that the Hirsch-Segura operation remains one of the most common procedures for the treatment of turbinate hypertrophy. It is a safe and effective technique that can help patients cope with breathing problems and nosebleeds. If you have problems with your nose, be sure to contact a qualified otolaryngologist who can help you choose the best treatment method.

The Hirsch-segura operation is a surgical procedure developed by O. Hirsch and E. V. Segura in 1925. It is used to treat chronic otitis media and other ear, nose and throat conditions.

O. Girsh and E. V. Segura were famous surgeons and otorhinolaryngologists of their time. They worked together in Argentina and created many new treatments for ear, nose and throat diseases.

Hirsch seguroperation involves inserting a special instrument through a small hole in the eardrum, which removes pus and other pathological secretions from the ear. After this, a special tube is placed in the ear, which allows you to maintain normal hearing and prevent the re-formation of pus.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes about 15-20 minutes. After the operation, the patient can return to normal life within a few days.

Despite the fact that the Hirsch-Segur operation is one of the most effective methods of treating chronic otitis media, it does not always give a 100% result. Therefore, before performing it, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient and ensure that there are no contraindications.