
Hirudinoses are diseases caused by parasitism of Hirudinea.

This class of diseases is characterized by the entry into the human body of so-called leeches - helminthic infestations belonging to the coelenterates. The color of leeches can be dark or light brown. On their front part there is a kind of mask - tentacles designed for sucking blood vessels in humans. The presence of ticks allows you to determine the amount of substances that have entered the blood. At this point in time, science knows more than fifty varieties of leeches. Each variety differs from the other in size, color and some features of life. Thus, an ordinary medicinal leech has a body diameter of up to 3 centimeters, while when searching for a leech apiary, you can often encounter larger suckers. Certain types of parasites are toxic. Leeches interact very closely with humans: the appearance of rashes and allergic reactions depends on them.

Medical leech, also called leech