Histamine Test Double

Double Histamine Test: What is it and why is it needed?

The double histamine test, also known as the Rivers test, is a diagnostic test used to evaluate allergic reactions to food and other allergens. This is a special test that allows you to assess how sensitive the body is to histamine, a substance that is released during allergic reactions.

The Rivers test consists of two parts. In the first part, the patient is injected with a small amount of histamine under the skin. Then, within a few minutes, a reaction is observed at the site of histamine injection. If a red, swollen, and itchy area develops on your skin, your body is sensitive to histamine.

The second part of the test is carried out a few days after the first part. The patient is injected with a small amount of the suspected food allergen under the skin elsewhere on the body. Then, within a few minutes, a reaction is observed at the site of the allergen injection.

If the reaction to a food allergen is greater than the reaction to histamine, then this may indicate an allergic reaction to that particular allergen. If the reaction to histamine and the food allergen are similar, this may indicate other causes of the reaction, such as physical stimulation, stress, or other factors.

A double histamine test can be useful in diagnosing allergic reactions to food, especially if other tests are inconclusive. The test can help identify the specific allergen causing the reaction, allowing you to avoid it in the future and reduce your risk of developing severe allergic reactions.

However, like any medical test, a double histamine test has its limitations and disadvantages. The test may produce a false-positive or false-negative result, and the results must be evaluated in conjunction with the patient's other clinical data and symptoms.

In conclusion, the dual histamine test is a useful diagnostic test that can help identify allergic reactions to food and other allergens. However, to achieve the most accurate result, the test should be performed by a qualified specialist and in combination with other diagnostic methods and evaluation of clinical data.

**Histamine double test (sometimes called double Rivers test)** is a diagnostic test in which a test substance, histamine, is injected into the blood. The interpretation of the results and further diagnosis is carried out by an allergist. Tests are indicated: to determine allergic manifestations, when the body’s ability to interact with certain types of allergens increases or decreases, with swelling, itching of the nasal mucosa, sneezing, tearfulness, and is also used to predict the formation of addiction when drinking alcohol. Tests are prescribed to patients prone to bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive laryngitis, otitis media,