
Hysterorrhexis (or uterine rupture) is a tear in the wall of the uterus. This is a dangerous complication that can occur during pregnancy or childbirth.

Causes of hysterorexis:

  1. Overdistension of the uterus during multiple pregnancy, large fetus, polyhydramnios.

  2. Scar changes on the uterus after cesarean section or other operations.

  3. Trauma to the uterus (for example, during forced childbirth).

  4. Congenital defects of the uterus.

  5. Diseases that weaken the muscle tissue of the uterus (fibroids, endometriosis).

Clinical manifestations:

  1. Acute pain in the abdomen.

  2. Bleeding from the genital tract.

  3. Tachycardia, hypotension.

  4. Abdominal bloating, peritoneal symptoms.

Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture, ultrasound, laparoscopy.

Treatment is only surgical. An emergency laparotomy, suturing of the rupture, or hysterectomy is performed.

The prognosis depends on the timeliness of the operation. If not treated in a timely manner, severe complications and death may occur.

Hysterorexia can be a consequence of various factors, such as pathologies of internal organs, neuroendocrine disorders and some gynecological diseases. Most often, this pathology is diagnosed in middle-aged and elderly women. There can be many reasons, so it is better to see a doctor to find out more. His task is to understand the cause and choose the right treatment.

Hysterorexia requires a careful and comprehensive approach to its treatment. There are conservative therapeutic methods and surgical interventions. An important part of treatment is symptomatic therapy and relief of the symptoms experienced by the patient.

It is important to pay attention to the following symptoms:

1. Abdominal pain; 2. Bleeding; 3. Uterine rupture.