Secondary Cavity

Hello reader! Today I want to tell you about the secondary cavity. This unusual structure is a mysterious phenomenon of our body, about which we know practically nothing. But scientific research has shown that these cavities can be beneficial to our health and even cause some diseases.

A secondary cavity is a structure that is found in our body, but it is unknown why it appeared. Many people do not have a secondary cavity, and those who do do not always know about it. They may not even realize they have this organ until they see a doctor.

If you have any health problem due to a secondary cavity or you just want to know more about it, then I will tell you more in as much detail as possible.

What is a secondary cavity?

Coelomia, vallilum or coelomia are a special form of primary hollow structure. It is round or oval and contains many structures and tissues of the internal organ. All layers of the coelomia border a large primary cavity.