Glaucoma False

False glaucoma is an eye disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure without damage to the optic nerve and visual field.

Reasons for development:

  1. Inflammatory eye diseases (iridocyclitis, uveitis)
  2. Tumors of the eyeball or orbit
  3. Eye injuries
  4. Taking certain medications (corticosteroids, anticholinergics)


  1. Increased intraocular pressure
  2. Redness of the eyes
  3. Watery eyes and photophobia
  4. Cutting and pain in the eyes
  5. Deterioration of vision

Diagnosis is based on measuring intraocular pressure, examining the fundus, and visual fields.

Treatment: anti-inflammatory drops and ointments, β-blockers, prostaglandin analogues to reduce intraocular pressure. If ineffective, surgical treatment is required.

The prognosis with timely treatment is favorable. Visual functions are completely restored after normalization of intraocular pressure.