
Glycuria is the process of transmitting information between nerves and the brain. It is based on the action of hormones such as vasopressin and oxytocin. When these hormones are present in sufficient concentrations in the blood, they help transmit information between different parts of the brain and organs.

Glycuriums are very important for our life. They regulate our appetite, motivation and social behavior. For example, when we are in a state of hunger, our body begins to secrete the hunger hormone - glucagon. This hormone helps us search for and find food to replenish our energy reserves. When we find food, our brains begin to release oxytocin, which promotes social bonding and produces feelings of happiness and satisfaction after eating.

Glycuriums also play an important role in our sexual behavior. Vasopressinin is the same substance that is responsible for the release of urine from the human body. But when a person is in a state of excitement, this hormone is released in large quantities, and its levels increase. This leads to sexual arousal and desire. And the oxytocin system also plays an important role in maintaining healthy social relationships and forming family bonds.

Thus, glycuria