
Clay is your trusted skin care ally. There are no bacteria in it, it absorbs toxins, odors and gases, kills pathogenic bacteria and is an excellent cleanser, and when adding various elements, it is also nutritious.

Types of clay

On store shelves you can find white, red, yellow, green, gray and blue clay. Each type of it is used in cosmetology and medicine.

Green, blue and white clay are more common than other types. Clay is sold in its pure form, and it is also included in ready-made masks, shampoos and even toothpastes.

Green clay is mainly used to treat hair and scalp, to combat seborrhea. It has excellent absorbent properties and is an ideal product for deep cleansing the skin. This clay is best suited for oily face and scalp skin, as it helps tighten pores and improves the function of the sebaceous glands. It is an excellent tonic, causes blood flow to the surface of the skin and provides it with the necessary nutrition. Stimulates skin cell regeneration. Tightens the skin, gives it smoothness and elasticity, restores normal metabolism, the face line, effectively softens, smoothes out wrinkles and relieves puffiness. Has antibacterial properties.

Blue clay contains all the mineral salts and trace elements that we need: silica, phosphate, iron, nitrogen, etc. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent with cleansing and disinfecting properties. Activates blood circulation and enhances the metabolic process in skin cells. In folk medicine, blue clay is used as an effective remedy in the fight against baldness.

White clay is also called kaolin. The beneficial properties of kaolin were described by Hippocrates in the 4th century BC. e. It is known that white clay was a constant component of the masks of beauties of all times. Kaolin is rich in silica, zinc and magnesium, helps stop hair loss and strengthens brittle and weak hair, has regenerating properties, and is an excellent antiseptic. White clay is suitable for thin, dull skin.

Red, yellow and gray are rare types of clay. They are not often found on sale in their pure form, mostly as part of ready-made masks.

Red clay improves blood supply to the skin and relieves allergies. Most suitable for sensitive skin prone to redness.

Yellow clay removes toxins and saturates the skin with oxygen. Rich in iron and potassium. Most suitable for dull skin.

Gray clay has moisturizing and tonic properties. Most suitable for dry skin.