Glomerulitis Focal

The concept of glomerulitis and glomerulitis of focal lesions Glomerulitis is a concept introduced by the domestic clinician E.M. Tareev and denotes an extremely unfavorable histological condition of the kidneys in chronic glomerulonephritis, characterized by the obligatory presence of foci of hyalinosis and vascular-stromal changes in the glomeruli with minimal symptoms of inflammatory infiltration of the mesangium. Treatment of glomerulitis is no less difficult and requires a special approach than treatment of any other form of chronic glomerulonephritis. As a result of all manipulations to cleanse focal changes in glomerulitis, reserve vascular structures are formed, which can subsequently be reduced back after clinical and morphological stabilization of the disease. To prevent the development of this pathological condition, timely treatment of acute glomerulonephritis should be carried out in order to improve the hemodynamics of renal bleeding, which in some cases makes it possible to completely avoid complications with