Aorta Right High

Right aorta high

**Developmental anomaly** - the location of the **aorta** in front of the tracheoesophageal groove, upward and to the right, spreading around the right bronchus, accompanied by a transition to the left side in the lower half of the chest. The left aorta, located to the left of the tracheoileobronchial fissure, is fortunately such a rare occurrence that there are no typical patient complaints. The clinical course is asymptomatic. Most often, this condition is discovered accidentally in patients.

Sometimes there are heart murmurs characteristic of heart defects, pulmonary dysfunction due to stenosis – blockage of the lumen of the bronchi, and hemoptysis.

Diagnosis is based on the results of an X-ray examination - typical deviations in the configuration of the heart, the size of the left sections

The aorta is the main artery in the body that delivers oxygenated blood from the heart to the tissues. In humans, the aorta emerges from the left ventricle of the heart and moves down the chest. However, if there is a developmental abnormality, the aorta may end up in an unusual position. One of these conditions is right-sided and