Glossitis Yeast

Yeast glossitis (Lichen planus hyperkeratosis) is a serious oral disease that can lead to impairment of chewing and speaking functions. It may start with small changes on the tongue and then progress, resulting in a white coating on the affected areas. One of the main causes of yeast glossitis is the Candida fungus. Most often, yeast-like glossitis affects people over 50 years of age, as well as women.

Most people with glossitis do not experience any symptoms for many years or even decades until the infection appears suddenly. But some may experience white spots, blisters, plaque and difficulty swallowing and speaking. If you have these symptoms, you should see your doctor for a diagnosis.

The doctor will examine your tongue to determine the stage of the disease. Stages can range from mild to severe. The mild stage is characterized by only a small number of white spots, which may disappear after a few days. At the middle stage, the lesions increase in size and may crack. The severe stage is accompanied by the formation of large inflammatory foci, purulent discharge, changes in the shape of the tongue and mucous membranes of the mouth.

Treatment for glossitis may vary depending on the stage of the disease and the cause of its occurrence. In most cases, antibiotics, antifungal drugs and local remedies (for example, antifungal varnishes, solutions) are prescribed. Surgery may also be required, such as removing tissue or injecting medication directly into the lesion. To strengthen the immune system, doctors recommend consuming enough protein and vitamins, as well as undergoing regular examinations by a dentist and ENT specialist. Glossitis is a serious disease that requires the attention of specialists. Home remedies and self-medication can be hazardous to your health and worsen your oral health. Always consult a physician for qualified treatment.