Occlusion Effect

A number of scientific works have been devoted to the occlusion effect. I have highlighted two of them. The first, oddly enough, was published in the journal “Heterocyclic Compounds” and was called “Occlusive effects of closed external auditory canals,” and the second author of the article, G. A. Ivanichev, emphasized the connection between the effect of closing the auditory tube and the synthesis of certain compounds in the same work.

Perhaps you just misunderstood the text. I repeat: hearing loss through the bone occurs when the external auditory canal is closed. This phenomenon just confirms the acoustic heterogeneity of the sound-conducting system of the middle ear (

Occlusal effects

The occlusion effect for auditory tubes is an improvement in speech perception through a blocked ear with a completely closed external auditory canal. This effect is based on the principle of the difference in acoustic impedances with closed and open cavities, as well as with simultaneous and sequential application of an audio signal to closed and half-open ones. or open ear. The ratio of sound pressure p to the amplitude of the ultrasonic wave changes at a constant sound pressure level during closure and at a constant amplitude of the ultrasonic wave during opening of the ear. The impact of this effect depends on the age, diameter and shape of the external auditory canal and the condition of the patient's middle and inner ear. Retrograde airflow disrupts the pressure gradient in the eustachian tube and adjacent middle ear and results in a decrease in impedance to the level of a closed cavity. Detection of occlusion in adults is usually accomplished by enhancing speech in a noisy environment using a bone guide tube and improving near- or far-field comprehension with the external auditory canal half-open. Although these tests are not ideal in terms of hearing performance, in practice they can identify the vast majority of areas of canal membrane and midcavity dysfunction. The diagnostic sensitivity of the occlusion method reaches 98–99%. However, identifying a small membrane defect that causes only partial loss of the ability to open the ear canals poses a significant challenge using this method. In children, impedance over a wider range under the same clinical conditions and reduced occlusion effects have been accepted when assessing Eustachian tube patency. Moreover, due to children's sensitivity to occlusion effects in different areas of the middle ear, dynamic occlusion testing may be useful in this age group. Generalized estimates of the impact of occlusion in children vary depending on the testing technique used (statoacoustic reflex, threshold-contrast audiometry). In general, occlusion analysis is the best method for assessing differential function when detecting pathology in the middle and inner ear. This technique is not only useful in determining the presence of membrane edema and canal retraction due to infection or tumors, but can also help classify the sensorineural component to distinguish between borderline murmur and widespread hearing loss. Unlike tympanometry, which records only the state of the Eustachian valve at rest, occlusion shows the dynamics of this process during changes in the pattern of external acoustic stimulation, including postural, chewing and speaking stimuli. Improvement or deterioration of acoustic impedance indicators with occlusion of the peripheral region and mouth is one of the most effective ways to document pathological processes in the middle ear under various conditions.

Occlusion (closure) of the external auditory canal is one of the most common acoustic tests in otorhinolaryngology. Almost 80% of acoustic information is perceived by us through the auditory canal, which is limited by the auricle, eardrum, pyramid, and external auditory canal. The functions of the auricle are to collect sound waves and attract attention. If the auricle has been injured, then its amputation will lead to a partial or complete disruption of communication between the pyramid and the outer ear. That is why otolaryngologists are advised to avoid complete removal of hair on the auricle during otosurgical interventions, since they can serve as debris when removing the drainage tube from the middle ear through the external auditory canal. Experiments and clinical examination of the ear canals in different patients have led to the conclusion that the perception of sound energy occurs not only from the outside and inside, but also from the depths of the ear canal. Thus, in order to fully interpret the data obtained, before the study, a methodology should be developed in accordance with which the research conditions will remain unchanged. Devices with