Swallowing Test

The swallow test is a method for detecting esophageal stenosis, which is based on the delay or absence of auscultation phenomena that accompany the patient's swallowing. This method was developed in the 1950s and has since become one of the most common ways to diagnose esophageal stenosis.

The essence of the method is that the patient swallows liquid or food, and then the doctor listens to his breathing and checks for the presence of an auscultatory phenomenon, which indicates the presence of stenosis. If the auscultatory phenomenon is absent or delayed, this may indicate the presence of stenosis in the esophagus.

One of the advantages of the swallow test is its simplicity and accessibility. It does not require special equipment or physician training, and can be performed in any hospital or clinic. In addition, this method allows you to quickly and accurately determine the presence of stenosis, which can lead to more effective treatment and improved quality of life for the patient.

However, like any other diagnostic method, the swallow test has its limitations. For example, it may not be effective in the presence of other diseases, such as asthma or bronchitis, which may mask auscultatory phenomena. Also, this method cannot be used to diagnose stenosis in children before the age when they can swallow liquids or food on their own.

Overall, the swallow test is an effective method for diagnosing esophageal stenosis and can help doctors quickly and accurately determine its presence. However, before carrying out this method, it is necessary to take into account all possible limitations and contraindications in order to ensure maximum diagnostic accuracy and treatment effectiveness.

Swallowing tests to detect pathology of the esophageal sphincter

A gastric tube can be used to examine the upper respiratory tract and esophagus after first narrowing it. The results of the sample are determined by the reaction to the air that enters the probe or is replaced by liquid introduced through it. A diagnostic sign of stenosis is a slowdown that prevents the introduction of a dosed volume of air or fluid