Glucoin Test Strips

Glucoin test strips are a kit for determining glucose levels in urine. They are intended for home use and can be used by both men and women.

Test strips consist of two parts: a test strip and a urine collection container. The test strip contains reagents that react with urine if it contains glucose. The urine collection container has a lid with a hole through which urine flows onto the test strip.

To use test strips, you must collect the urine in a container, dip the test strip in the urine for a few seconds, and then remove it. After this, the test strip should change color. If the color changes to yellow or orange, it means the glucose level in your urine is higher than normal. If the color remains white or blue, this means your glucose level is normal.

It is important to remember that test strips are not a replacement for regular visits to your doctor and blood glucose tests. If you notice changes in your condition, consult your doctor for a more accurate diagnosis.