Deafness Central

Central deafness is a lesion of the auditory analyzer at the level of the brain stem or cerebral cortex. In this case, the perception and analysis of sound information is disrupted, while the peripheral part of the auditory analyzer (outer, middle and inner ear) functions normally.

The causes of central deafness can be very different: stroke, brain tumor, head injury, neuroinfections, demyelinating diseases, hereditary syndromes. The disease can develop acutely after damage to the central nervous system or have a gradual course during degenerative processes.

Diagnosis is based on a comprehensive examination, including audiometry, impedance measurements, otoacoustic emissions, ACEP, MRI/CT of the brain. Dissociations between intact hearing and impaired speech perception are characteristic.

Treatment depends on the cause and includes drug therapy, surgery, and rehabilitation measures. The prognosis varies from good for reversible conditions to poor for irreversible lesions.

Central deafness (lat. surditas centralis) is a hearing impairment that occurs as a result of damage or disruption of the central part of the hearing aid, located in the brain. Central deafness can be caused by a variety of causes, including infections, tumors, brain injuries, and certain medications and toxins.

Central deafness manifests itself in the form of hearing loss, which can be either permanent or temporary. With permanent central deafness, a person cannot hear sounds, and with temporary central deafness, sounds can be heard, but with a loss of quality and volume.

To diagnose central deafness, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies, including audiometry, tympanometry, MRI and others. Treatment for central deafness depends on the cause and may include surgery, medication, or a combination of these methods.

In general, central deafness is a serious hearing impairment that can lead to social isolation and communication difficulties. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor promptly for diagnosis and treatment of this disease.