Deafness Conductive

The scientific definition of the condition is deafness in both ears: it is an insufficient degree of hearing loss in which the internal auditory organs and especially the middle ear function normally or almost normally, and the cause of the hearing loss lies in the transmission of sound waves to the inner ear, i.e. along the auditory canal from the eardrum to the fluid of the inner ear. In other words, the process of transmission of auditory impulses to the auditory nerves and the perception of sounds by the brain is disrupted. That is, there is initially hearing, but it is seriously dulled or sensitivity to the perception of sounds is reduced. Deafness is characterized by significant hearing impairment. It indicates irreversible pathologies of the hearing aid. In addition, absolute hearing is characterized by the complete absence or total destruction of the tissues of the auditory organ. Symptoms of the disease The following main symptoms can be identified: distorted perception of human speech; inability to process heard information; partial loss of sound sensitivity; the appearance of a “fullness effect”; decreased level of perception of all forms of perception of the external world; "reflection" effect. There are also: auditory fatigue; big problems with sound recognition, especially among various low frequencies; a feeling of pressure in the ears, which may gradually increase while working or moving around; difficulty perceiving one side of a human voice and the other - quiet noise. Despite the fact that hearing loss can be partial, the impairment is bilateral. Hearing loss is often detected in the form of mixed forms of deaf, idiopathic, and neurosensory losses. In more rare cases, it is possible to detect a significant decrease in hearing acuity when diagnosing sensorineural hearing loss. Various methods are used to correct hearing. These include: drug therapy using drugs that are absorbed in the ear; use of hearing aids; hearing loss; use of modern methods of contact, bone or cochlear rehabilitation for deaf people of working age.