
Glucosamine is an organic compound from the group of amino sugars. It is part of many polysaccharides and is found in human and animal tissues. The concentration of glucose in the blood serum increases during infectious diseases and some other conditions.

Glucosamine plays an important role in the human body. It is involved in the synthesis of cartilage tissue, connective tissue and other components of the body. Glucosamine is also involved in maintaining healthy joints and ligaments, as well as protecting against infections.

In infectious diseases, the concentration of glucose in the blood may increase. This is because glucosamine is an important source of energy for microorganisms. In addition, glucosamine is used as a building material for the repair of damaged tissue.

However, elevated blood glucose may also be associated with certain other diseases, such as diabetes or kidney failure. Therefore, if you notice an increase in blood glucose concentrations, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Overall, glucosamine plays an important role in maintaining human health and is a key component of many biological processes. However, its excess or deficiency can lead to various diseases, so it is important to monitor your health and consult a doctor if necessary.

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Glucosmin is an organic substance that belongs to the group of amino sugars. This compound plays an important role in the human body because it is part of many high molecular weight compounds that are found in the tissues of our body and perform many