Glucoseprednisolone Test

So, the glucose predisolone test is a method for diagnosing latent forms of diabetes mellitus. Its essence is the occurrence of hyperglycemia in the second hour after the test. The essence of the method is determined by introducing a certain dose of innaglucose, and then taking, under the control of blood glucose levels, subcutaneous microscopic doses of a prednisolone mixture.

Glucose-prednisolone tests are methods for identifying the latent phase of diabetes. Thanks to this, diabetes can be detected at an early stage. After all, it is in the initial stage that treatment is most effective. The disease is easier to treat, without complications, and no pathology occurs. For this reason, it is very important to do a glucose-prednyl test.

During the examination, the patient's body is subjected to special stress. First, the patient is given a certain dose of glucose. Typically, the patient is given 75 grams of sugar and 300 milligrams of water. This substance has a sweetish taste. In parallel, the person is administered the drug Prednisolone. This group of drugs suppresses the body's ability to recognize signals carried by hormones. This is important in the diabetic state of the body. Diabetes is caused by impaired sugar metabolism. If the body cannot cope with this element on its own, then suppressing the recognition function will increase the concentration of sugar. Thus, it is possible to establish with a high degree of probability the presence of a pathological condition.