Gnilorybova Testicular Transplantation

Hello, dear readers! Today I would like to tell you about an amazing and no less interesting case in the field of transplantation. We will talk about surgery, to which the Soviet surgeon Pavel Gnilorybov dedicated his life. His famous testicular transplant operation was first performed in the USSR in 1968.

Gnilorybov (1902-1983) is one of the few urologists-transplantologists whose career in medicine began in the pre-war years and ended after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He has performed many operations, among which testicular transplantation occupies a special place. As is known, such

**Gnilorybova Transplantation** is an operation to transplant testicles from one person to another in case of their loss due to injury or disease. This technology has been used for over a hundred years to treat infertility in men with testicular disease or radiation exposure. However, it can also be used to preserve fertility in women and even to replace organs when they are lost or damaged. This procedure requires specialized surgeons, medical professionals, and equipment and is not recommended for all patients. In this article we will look at the history, development and application of testicular transplantation.

History of Testicular Transplantation The idea of ​​​​testicular transplantation dates back to the 19th century, when it was discovered that after removal of the testicles in animals, they gradually stop producing hormones. However, the first attempts at transplantation were unsuccessful due to