
Gnus is the collective name for a group of blood-sucking dipterous insects. The midge includes about 900 species of insects, including mosquitoes, midges, biting midges, mosquitoes, horse flies, flies and others. The species composition and abundance of midges depend on landscape, geographic and climatic conditions.

The breeding grounds of midges are mainly deltas and floodplains of rivers, standing and low-flowing reservoirs, and areas of artificial irrigation. The harm caused by midges to humans and animals is great. Insect saliva has an irritating effect, causing itching, burning, inflammation, and fever.

To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to lubricate the affected areas of the skin with a solution of ammonia or baking soda. During a period of mass attack by midges, people are deprived of normal rest, labor productivity decreases, and accidents become more frequent.

In addition, insects can carry pathogens of dangerous diseases such as malaria, fevers, and filariasis. Animals that are attacked by midges lose weight and their milk yield decreases. To combat midges, measures are taken to destroy breeding sites, adult insects and their larvae.

For personal protection, repellents, special clothing are used, and protective canopies are installed. It is also recommended to screen the premises. When using repellents, precautions must be taken to avoid contact of the drugs with mucous membranes.

Gnus is the common name for flying blood-sucking insects that attack humans and other animals. These insects include mosquitoes, flies, midges and other types of insects. Midges are a serious problem in many regions of the world, especially in tropical and subtropical zones, where they can cause serious diseases such as malaria, fever, encephalitis and others.

Midges are common in regions with warm climates, where there are suitable conditions for the reproduction of these insects. Mosquitoes, for example, can breed in stagnant or slow-moving waters, while other types of midges can breed in swampy and damp places.

Mosquitoes are the most common representatives of midges. They feed on the blood of humans and animals, and their bites can cause itching and irritation of the skin. Mosquitoes can also transmit a variety of diseases, including malaria and fever.

Midges and mosquitoes are also representatives of midges and can attack people and animals. Midges feed on blood but do not transmit any diseases. Mosquitoes can transmit malaria and other diseases such as filariasis.

Horseflies and flies are also midges and can bite and transmit various diseases. Horseflies can be dangerous to animals and people, especially young children and the elderly.

Various methods are used to control midges, including the use of repellents and insecticides. However, the most effective method of control is to prevent the breeding of midges in places where they can breed and attack animals and people. This includes controlling standing water, draining swamps and keeping water sources clean.

In general, midges are a serious problem for human and animal health in many regions of the world. Therefore, it is important to take measures to prevent it from multiplying and attacking people and animals to protect their health and well-being.

Gnus is the common name for flying blood-sucking insects that attack people and animals. Gnus includes mosquitoes, midges, biting midges, midges, horse flies and some types of flies. These insects are carriers of various diseases such as malaria, fever, encephalitis, yellow fever and others.

Midges are a serious problem in many regions of the world, especially in tropical and subtropical zones. These insects can cause significant damage to human and animal health, as well as to the economy. They can cause allergic reactions, and some types of midges are hazardous to health.

Various methods are used to control midges, including the use of insecticides, the creation of barriers and insect traps, and the use of special suits and repellents. However, these methods are not always effective, and midges continue to be a serious problem.

In conclusion, midges are a serious threat to human and animal health in various regions of the world. To combat this phenomenon, it is necessary to use comprehensive measures, including the use of insecticides and other control methods. It is important to remember that midges can be dangerous to your health, so it is necessary to take measures to protect yourself from these insects.