
You can forget about its nutritional properties and how to choose and prepare fish correctly. Fish is a valuable source of protein, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that are essential for human health.

Hake cutlets are a simple and tasty dish that can be prepared with a minimum amount of ingredients. To prepare the cutlets you will need fresh hake fillet, stale bread, an apple, cottage cheese and an egg. All ingredients must be passed through a meat grinder and mixed well together. From the resulting minced meat you can form cutlets, which need to be steamed and served with melted butter.

Fish dumpling mass is a traditional Russian dish that can be prepared from any fresh fish. To prepare quenelles, you need to pass the fish fillet, bread, milk and egg white through a meat grinder, gradually adding salt and cold milk. The resulting mass must be thoroughly beaten to a homogeneous consistency. You can use the dumpling mass to prepare steamed or baked dishes, such as cutlets, meatballs or puddings.

Fish dumplings are another traditional Russian dish that can be made from minced fish. To prepare dumplings, you need to pass the finished fish fillet, onion and bread through a meat grinder and add an egg and salt. The resulting mass should be cut into round dumplings, placed in a boiling broth and cooked over low heat for about an hour.

When cooking fish, it is very important to clean and prepare it properly. In order to remove scales from fish, you can use a knife, grater or a special scraper. After this, you need to remove the insides and wash the fish thoroughly. When preparing fish, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics and choose appropriate cooking methods to preserve its nutritional properties and taste.

In conclusion, fish is a valuable source of nutrients and is essential for a healthy diet. Hake cutlets, dumplings and fish dumplings are simple and tasty dishes that can be prepared at home. When cooking fish, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics and properly clean and prepare it in order to preserve its beneficial properties.