Goiter Stone

Stone goiter (Cleidophora caerulea) is one of the most dangerous parasites that can cause severe illness and even death. Treatment of stone goiter is usually complex and requires a combination of therapy with surgery, diet therapy and the use of drugs of various groups. However, not every patient can benefit from surgery, and some still recover thanks to a special diet.

What is a stone goiter? Goiter is a tumor of endocrine origin. It is based on hyperplasia of the thyroid gland. Hyperplastic cells can begin to increase in size, forming formations of various types, the volume of which can reach values ​​from 6 to 40 cubic centimeters. Goiter can be benign or malignant. Both of them are accompanied by thyrotoxicosis of varying degrees and require treatment. Goiter stone is a benign tumor consisting of hard nodes. It develops as a result of the following reasons: * nutritional disorders - excess weight, overeating; * pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract; * hypothyroidism – deficiency of thyroid hormones (thyroid gland); * parathyroid adenoma (tumor of the parathyroid glands); * long-term smoking.

Signs of the disease Symptoms of stone goiter vary depending on the