Cell Wandering Histiogenic

In the cytological diagnosis of infectious diseases, the presence of blast cells in smears from various organs of humans and animals is of clinical significance. Much attention is paid to histiogenic blast cells. If their precursors are healthy cells, they function to form the protective shell of the capsule. In the practice of microscopy, they were mistaken for tumor cells due to the similarity of the latter with these blast cells in all cytological studies. Pseudotumor cells do not have such a high metabolic energy, which is characteristic of myeloblasts and lymphoblasts. They have two nuclei. One of the possible mechanisms of malignancy of these cells is associated with their abnormal transformation into atypical ones. At the same time, their reproduction rate increases several times, their sizes increase sharply, and their nuclei greatly increase. Further abnormal cell division leads to the formation of a blast tumor. Diagnosis and treatment of blast tumors have certain difficulties. Histological studies of previously obtained material, due to the irrationality of the cytological method, often gave negative results, since these lymphocytes in ordinary smears of blood and bones looked normal, and only their increased content in the affected organ indicated possible disorders within the body.