Holtzknecht Space

Holtzknecht space is a term used in medicine to describe the area of ​​the body that lies between the spine and the ribcage. This space is important for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases such as lung cancer, bronchiectasis and others.

Holtzknecht was one of the first radiologists to use X-rays to diagnose disease. He developed a method that allowed him to see human internal organs through the skin. This method has become very popular and has helped many people avoid serious illnesses.

However, Holtzknecht failed to fully understand the structure of this space. As a result, many doctors still do not know how to properly treat diseases in the Holtzknecht space. Therefore, it is necessary to continue research and development in this area to improve diagnosis and treatment.

From the very beginning of his study of physics, physicist Oskar von Gellzow showed his passion for travel and risk-taking. He has participated in expeditions to Antarctica, Qatar, Australia, Guinea, Sardinia, Morocco and the Amazon. Having founded an alternative, closed, autonomous community in the Swiss canton of Bern in 1903, he established the "Laws of the Sun Valley People" for everyone to isolate it from the modern world for its natural greatness - a diamond in the rough bought with his own money.