Head Rib

Rib heads: anatomy, topographic and functional characteristics, diseases and lesions

The head of the rib is an important anatomical structure that performs a number of important functions to maintain the stability of the chest and ensure mobility of the costal segments. The head of the rib is also called the jugular vein, the junction of the costal articulation and the ring of the jugular vein due to its location and anatomical structure.

Anatomical description

The heads of the ribs are oval or round in shape and are located at the end of the costal processes. They consist of cartilage and an articular connection with the costal cartilage. In most cases, the heads of the ribs are connected to the heads of adjacent ribs through joints, which ensures their mobility and stability, and also allows easy breathing when the chest moves.

When considering the position of the rib head, it should be noted that the anterior pair of vessels (a. axillaris), a. thoracica interna and vv