Vertigo and sadar

When a person is dizzy, it seems that objects are spinning around him and his brain and body are also spinning, so that he cannot stay on his feet and falls; He is often disgusted by all sorts of sounds. What happens to him is what happens to a person who has been spinning for a long time and quickly and cannot maintain a standing or sitting position and open his eyes. The reason is that the same thing happens to the pneum, located in the ventricles of the brain, in the veins and arteries, as with a person when he is constantly spinning. The difference between epilepsy and dizziness is that dizziness lasts for some time, and epilepsy occurs suddenly, the person slowly falls and then comes to his senses. As for sadar, during sadar, when a person gets up, his vision becomes dark, and he almost falls. Severe sadar is similar to epilepsy, but it does not cause convulsions, unlike epilepsy.

Dizziness sometimes occurs because a person is spinning and this causes the vapors and pneuma in him to spin; the same thing will happen if you swirl a cup of water for some time and then stop: the water in it will continue to swirl for some time. When the pneuma is spinning, it seems to a person that objects are spinning, because it makes no difference whether the relations of the parts of the pneuma to the parts of the world surrounding it have changed depending on the surrounding world, since the feeling that they are spinning arises according to the principle of opposition. When the perceiver moves, the position of the objects opposing him changes in the same way as when something sensed moves. Dizziness often begins. when they look at rotating objects, and this state of what is felt is imprinted on the soul. Therefore they say that all the powers of sensation are connected with bodily organs that strongly perceive influence, and the first and best of these is the sensory pneuma. From any sensible thing, a certain image remains in it even after the sensation leaves it, if the very object of sensation is strong. Every sensible thing creates in the perceiver an image which is its likeness, and this image persists or disappears depending on the ability to perceive and the strength of the perceived thing. An explanation of this is given in natural science. The weaker the body, the stronger these perceptions are, as happens in patients. In this regard, a sick person goes very far, and he becomes dizzy even from a slight movement, since patients, due to weakness, require a lot of effort when moving, ensuring the ability to move, from which the pneuma experiences irritation, agitation and shaking.

Sometimes dizziness can begin either from bodily causes residing in the substance of the brain and arising from vapors trapped in its vessels and nerves, or from all kinds of juices retained in the brain, which turn into steam from the slightest movement or heat. When these pairs begin to move, they also move the mental pneuma, which usually matures and acquires the proper composition in the vessels of the brain, then establishes itself in the substance of the brain and then disperses along the nerves in the body. Or the dizziness is due to a multitude of vapors, which, rising from other places, are retained in the brain and become established there after a previous acute or cold illness; then they turn into immature winds, set in motion by a force that promotes their maturation and resorption.

Sometimes dizziness occurs not from the movement of vapors in the brain, but as a result of a sudden disturbance of a foreign nature, causing movement and agitation of the pneuma. This movement does not come from a material engine mixing with pneumatic fluid, such as, for example, steam and the like, in contrast to what happens with the various movements that arise from the combination of water with fire.

The cause of dizziness may be something moving the pneuma from the outside, for example, a blow to the head or a fracture of the skull, compressing the brain and the motionless pneuma, followed by various circular and wave-like movements, as happens with water when something heavy falls there or is struck on it a strong blow and the waves begin to disperse. Air and aerial bodies are more prone to the occurrence of this kind of phenomena, but they are the only ones that are not felt.

Dizziness often occurs from the vapors rising into the brain when they get there. Although the vapors do not originate in the substance of the brain and do not remain there, but, rising, they move the pneuma. The vapors rise to the brain either along the nerves and come from the stomach, or from the gall bladder through the stomach, or from the bladder, or from the uterus and the abdominal barrier, when they are affected by various diseases or the juices in them move. Most often, these vapors come from the stomach, then from the uterus, which absorbs various excesses. Vapors can also rise through veins and arteries, deep or superficial. The matter of the vapor is either yellow bile or mucus; dizziness from mucus is similar to epilepsy. The involvement of the brain with the mentioned organs, which causes sadar and dizziness, for the most part does not occur from the matter reaching the brain, but due to the irritation caused by the harmful quality reaching the brain. This causes sadar and dizziness in some people, as happens, for example, when the stomach is empty or during hunger, especially in those who cannot bear hunger, since the mouth of the stomach suffers from it and the brain participates in this. Sometimes dizziness and sadar occur during crises. Frequent dizziness, especially in the elderly, foreshadows sakta, as well as dizziness, after which permanent numbness of any organ sets in. Sometimes the dizziness is resolved by a headache, and sometimes the headache is resolved by dizziness.

Signs of types of dizziness. As for the signs of dizziness from a person spinning around himself or when looking at rotating bright objects or from high places, they are known in themselves, as are the signs of dizziness from a blow or fall. If it is associated with the retention of old vapors in the brain or with the generation of vapors in the brain itself, then the ailment is permanent and does not follow any disease in one or another organ, does not begin when the stomach is full and does not go away when the stomach is empty. It is preceded by headaches, noise and ringing in the ears, heaviness in the head. Darkening in the eyes can be persistent, and there is a weakening of sensations, even taste and smell. A strong beating is felt in the arteries of the front of the head, the sense of smell becomes dull.

If the juice found in the brain and other organs from which vapors rise is mucus, then there is heaviness in the head, timidity, a tendency to sleep a lot, difficulty moving and other signs of a predominance of mucus mentioned in the basic rules of treatment. If it is yellow bile, then there is insomnia, a glow felt without much heaviness, and golden-yellow ghosts; and if it is blood, then the vessels are swollen, the face, head and eyes are red and hot; There is also heaviness in the head, exhaustion, drowsiness and pulsation of blood vessels. When dizziness occurs from black bile, there is some heaviness in the head and insomnia. A person sees ghosts in the form of black hairs, plates and smoke, bad thoughts and other signs already mentioned appear. If the cause of dizziness is the stomach, then it is accompanied by a lack or disorder of appetite, indigestion, heart failure, sluggish breathing and stomach inversion. Suffering affects the front and middle parts of the brain, but it is possible that it will spread to the back part. The quality of pain is variable; it either calms down or intensifies depending on the fullness or emptiness of the stomach. Sometimes dizziness is preceded by indigestion; the patient also feels pain in the stomach and, at times, bloating. The mediators in the connection between the stomach and the brain are the nerves. At the beginning of dizziness and as it intensifies, at the end there is pain behind the crown of the head, at the place where the sixth pair of nerves grows, as well as in the back of the head. When the cause of dizziness comes from the uterus, it is preceded by suffocation of the uterus, retention of semen or menstruation in it, or a tumor in the uterus. The same thing happens if it comes from the bladder.

If the source of dizziness is all the organs or the source of food, that is, the liver, or the source of pneuma, that is, the heart, then its cause penetrates into the vessels and arteries that grow from these two organs and pass either behind the ears or in the back of the head. A sign of this is the strong beating and tension of the vessels located in the neck, and the absence of any significant pain in the neck, in the cervical nerves or in other nerves. If you see that the external arteries located on the back of the head are stretched and the dizziness decreases when you hold back the pulse with your hand, or with the help of a Persian bandage, or lead, or by lubricating this place with the astringents already mentioned, then you will know that the path along which it is transmitted suffering in the brain lies in these vessels, and if not, then in others, which are experienced in the same way. If nothing is detected from them, then it means that suffering is transmitted through deep-lying vessels. As for dizziness arising from a disorder of heterogeneous nature, it is recognized by lightness in the head, by the presence of the above-mentioned causes in the past and by the fact that dizziness begins after sudden cooling or warming from the outside or from cooling or warming food. A person suffering from sadar does not benefit from wine as much as from drinking water. Know that if sadar and dizziness drag on, it means the disease is cold. The signs of crisis dizziness are clear in themselves.

Treatment. When dizziness is caused by a person spinning around himself or by looking at rotating objects or looking down from an elevated place, then if it does not calm down quickly, it is treated with rest, rest and sleep. The patient is given some sour and astringent food to eat with bread crumbled into it. As for dizziness arising from blood or juices retained in the body, it is treated by bleeding from the mullet, and then from the vein located behind the ears. This is the best treatment for all types of vertigo caused by matter. Sometimes strong cauterization is used in this case, especially if the dizziness is caused by the rising of vapors from the body, in whatever way they rise; It is also useful to place jars on the back of the head and on the head.

If, along with blood, there are all sorts of other juices, or the cause of dizziness is not blood, but other juices, then first a bowel movement is performed with pills from Iyaraj or, if the juices are hot, with sabur infusion; if they are varied, then they give a decoction of myrobalans, a decoction of dodder or ustumahikun pills. After emptying, do an enema of water or a decoction of centaury and coloquinta, then apply blood-sucking cups to the head and back of the head. After this, they proceed to the use of rinses, sneezing agents, and snuffs; the latter includes musk, beaver stream, nigella sativum and marjoram. If an attack of dizziness begins, resort to rubbing the lower extremities. When the cause of dizziness comes from the stomach and the juices present in it, then vomiting should be induced with water in which dill and radish were boiled with honey and salt, as well as other balanced emetics. Then they empty it with kukiya pills, if the patient’s strength is significant, and if they are small, then they give iyaraj pills and sabur infusion.

If it is known that the juices are of purely bile origin, then do a bowel movement with a decoction of myrobalans and fumes; this can be recognized by the signs mentioned in this paragraph and in the paragraphs about the stomach. If the cause is in some other organ, then treat each of them with the necessary means. At the beginning of the disease, strengthen your head with rose oil, adding a little chamomile oil, and after the bath - with just chamomile oil. When it is known that the matter is located only in the head itself, then they place jars on the head and on the back of the head and let the blood flow from a vessel located behind the ears. Then, depending on the juices, they use the already mentioned shabyars, rinsing, pouring, snuffing and sneezing agents, and the like, as you already know from the basic rules.

If it is believed that the cause of dizziness is a disorder of heterogeneous nature, then on the basis of what is already known, its cause and symptoms should be established and treated with the help of means of opposite qualities, so that the nature is leveled out and becomes natural. When the cause of dizziness is a bruise or a fall, then first it is treated as stated in its place, but if other phenomena pass, but the dizziness remains, then it is treated using the means mentioned above. A person suffering from vertigo should try not to look at rapidly rotating objects, avoid climbing to caves, mountain tops, hills' and not to climb onto high rooftops. As for sadar and dizziness due to an empty stomach, they stop if you eat bread soaked in the condensed or liquid juice of astringent fruits and especially unripe grapes.