About cooling

As for cooling factors, there are also several varieties of them. This is an excessive movement, for it dissolves the innate warmth too much; excessive immobility, because it stifles the innate warmth, too much food and drink, excessive poverty of food, cold food, cold medicines, contact with moderately warming things - air, medicinal dressings and water in the bath, as well as excessive porosity of the body from which it breaks out innate warmth.

This also includes prolonged contact with something that moderately warms, such as a long stay in a bathhouse, and strong compaction, because it locks in the innate warmth, as well as contact with something that actually cools, and contact with something that potentially cools, even if it was hot at the time.

Cooling also includes excessive retention of juices, because it blocks the innate heat, as well as excessive emptying, since emptying destroys the matter of heat, because it carries along the pneuma and causes blockages with excess. This also includes tight and constant bandaging of organs - this also cools, blocking the path of warmth - as well as excessive grief, excessive fear, excessive joy, excessive pleasure, work that causes cooling, as well as immaturity and immaturity of juices that resist decay.

The worthy sage Galen used to put all this into six categories: excessive movement, excessive rest, contact with that which is cold or so warm as to dissolve the natural warmth, cooling matter, excessively scanty nutrition and excessively abundant nutrition.