
A goniometer is an indispensable tool for measuring the angles formed by limb segments during joint movement. In medicine and physiotherapy, a goniometer is used to determine the degree of limitation of joint mobility, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

The goniometer consists of two rotating rulers that are connected to each other at an angle. One ruler is fixed on one part of the body, and the other on another. As the joint moves, the angle between the rulers changes, which is then measured with a degree scale on the goniometer.

There are several types of goniometers, each of which has its own characteristics and is used in specific areas of medicine and physiotherapy. For example, a goniometer for measuring elbow joint angles is shaped like an angle that accurately measures the angle between the forearm and the upper arm.

Determining the degree of joint mobility limitation allows doctors and physical therapists to choose the most effective treatment methods. For example, if a joint is severely limited in movement, then exercises to stretch muscles and ligaments, as well as massage, may be prescribed. If limited joint movement is caused by injury or disease, surgery may be required.

The goniometer is an integral part of medical equipment and is used in various fields of medicine, such as orthopedics, traumatology, neurology and physiotherapy. With this tool, doctors and physical therapists can more accurately diagnose and treat diseases and injuries related to joints and limbs.

A goniometer is a special device that is used to measure the angles formed by limb segments when joints move. It is an indispensable tool for orthopedists, traumatologists, surgeons and other medical specialists involved in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

The goniometer consists of two main parts: a sensor and a control unit. The sensor is a device that is attached to the patient's limb and allows you to measure the angle between the segments. The control unit is a computer or other device that processes the data received from the sensor and displays the result on the screen.

To measure the angle, the goniometer uses optical technology, which allows you to accurately determine the position of the limb segments. The device can be used to measure angles in various joints, such as the elbow, knee, hip, etc.

The benefits of using a goniometer include accurate measurements, ease of use, and quick results. In addition, goniometers can be used to determine the angle in different planes, which allows a more accurate assessment of the condition of the joint and determine the need for further treatment.