
Goniosynechia: understanding and consequences

Goniosynechia is a medical term used to describe a condition of the eye in which the anterior part of the iris is attached to the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye, causing the angle to close and reducing the outflow of aqueous humor. The term "gonio-" comes from the Greek word "gωνία" and means "angle", and "synechia" means "cohesion" or "joint". Goniosynechiae can have serious consequences for eye health and require medical intervention.

Glaucoma is one of the main diseases associated with goniosynechia. Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that are characterized by increased intraocular pressure and damage to the optic nerve. Goniosynechiae can lead to the development of angle-lock glaucoma, which is the most common form of glaucoma caused by a slow flow of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eye.

With goniosynechia, the outflow of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eye may be difficult or completely blocked. This leads to the accumulation of intraocular fluid and increased intraocular pressure. The gradual increase in pressure can cause damage to the optic nerve and the progression of glaucoma, which can ultimately lead to poor vision and even blindness if appropriate measures are not taken.

Diagnosis of goniosynechiae is usually done using gonioscopy, a procedure in which the doctor evaluates the structure of the front corner of the eye using a special instrument called a goniolens. This allows you to determine the presence of synechiae and assess the degree of their influence on the outflow of aqueous humor.

Treatment for goniosynechia depends on its cause and severity. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove synechiae and restore normal aqueous humor drainage. Other treatments may include medications to lower intraocular pressure and control the progression of glaucoma.

In conclusion, goniosynechia is a condition that can lead to serious eye health problems, including the development of glaucoma. Early detection, diagnosis and treatment of goniosynechiae are important aspects of maintaining health. I understand that you want to receive an article with the title "Goniosynechiae". Here is an article on this topic:

Goniosynechia is a medical term that describes a condition of the eye in which the anterior part of the iris is attached to the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye, causing the angle to close and reducing the outflow of aqueous humor. The term "gonio-" comes from the Greek word "gωνία", which means "angle", and "synechia" means "cohesion" or "joint". Goniosynechiae can have serious consequences for eye health and require medical intervention.

Glaucoma is one of the main diseases associated with goniosynechia. Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that are characterized by increased intraocular pressure and damage to the optic nerve. Goniosynechiae can lead to the development of angle-lock glaucoma, which is the most common form of glaucoma caused by a slow flow of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eye.

When goniosynechia occurs, the drainage of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eye may be difficult or completely blocked. This leads to the accumulation of intraocular fluid and increased intraocular pressure. The gradual increase in pressure can cause damage to the optic nerve and the progression of glaucoma, which can ultimately lead to poor vision and even blindness if appropriate measures are not taken.

Diagnosis of goniosynechiae usually involves gonioscopy, a procedure in which the doctor evaluates the structure of the front corner of the eye using a special instrument called a goniolens. This allows you to determine the presence of synechiae and assess the degree of their influence on the outflow of aqueous humor.

Treatment for goniosynechia depends on its cause and severity. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove synechiae and restore normal aqueous humor drainage. Other treatments may include medications to lower intraocular pressure and control the progression of glaucoma.

In conclusion, goniosynechia is a condition that can lead to serious eye health problems, including the development of glaucoma. Early detection

Goniosynechination is a medical term that describes scarring and fibrotic changes in the tissue of the conjunctiva that lead to the formation of connective tissue in the corners of the eyes. These scars and fibrosis occur due to inflammation or injury to the eyeball. They cause a variety of symptoms, which can include dryness, sensitivity, discomfort and redness of the eyes, especially in conditions of sudden changes in temperature or in contact with water.

Goniosynechia is characterized by the formation of scars and fibrous changes in the conjunctiva, which interfere with the normal functioning of the eye and limit vision. However, goniosynechia differs from other complications such as keratitis or eyelid infections in that it does not cause vision loss and is not life-threatening. However, they can limit the functions of the visual apparatus, cause discomfort and deteriorate the patient’s quality of life. Normally, the conjunctiva is located around the cornea and protects it from external influences, such as pollution or microtrauma. During goniosynechination, the structure of the conjunctiva changes and scars form, which leads to a decrease in its functions and volume. This can lead to disturbances in ocular homeostasis, blurred vision, dryness or irritation of the ocular mucosa, and a decrease in the quality of life of patients. This problem has the following reasons: * Due to the deep localization of the pathological process in the corner of the eye, there are a limited number of diagnostic and treatment methods, * Low awareness of patients about this pathology leads to a delayed visit to an ophthalmologist, - untimely treatment can significantly slow down the healing process, - The complexity of drug elimination of goniosenychia often requires several stages of treatment, accompanied by a long period of rehabilitation. One of the main causes of goniosynechia is long-term, regularly recurring intoxication in chronic conjunctivitis, resulting from allergic reactions to dust, pollen, dry air, caustic fumes of chemicals during welding or galvanic work, etc. Also, goniosynechis can occur after operations to remove a foreign body from the mouth.