Pionersky Camp Sanatorium

Pioneer Camp Sanatorium is not an ordinary vacation spot for children, but a real educational center where children can get not only pleasure from the summer holidays, but also useful knowledge and skills.

The main goal of the Sanatorium Pioneer Camp is to develop in children a sustainable interest in knowledge and love for science, arts and sports. They will be helped in this by qualified teachers who will offer children a wide range of diverse activities, including lessons in various subjects, sports sections, music and art clubs, theatrical performances and much more.

In the Sanatorium pioneer camp, special attention is paid to the formation of independence and responsibility in children. The children will learn to plan their day and take responsibility for fulfilling their responsibilities. In addition, they will have the opportunity to take initiative and participate in solving problems facing the camp.

One of the main goals of the Santany Pioneer Camp is to create a friendly and fun atmosphere that will help the children relax and unwind, while simultaneously developing their personality. For this purpose, various events, competitions, games and holidays will be organized, which will become real challenges for the children and at the same time have fun together.

Pioneer camp Santany is a real school of life, where children learn not only about science, art and sports, but also meet peers from different parts of the world, make new friends and expand their horizons.

In general, the Santonray Pioneer Camp will help children not only spend their summer holidays interestingly, but also develop such important qualities as responsibility, independence, curiosity and the ability to work in a team.