
Anosmia is a disease manifested in the absence of smell, as well as in impaired perception of smells. This happens due to changes in the receptors responsible for these processes. The pathology is often caused by colds and prolonged treatment, or when medications to prevent complications were not used in a timely manner after treatment. In addition, deviations are present when tumors form in the anterior parts of the brain or skull bones. Although there are other causes of the disease.

Sometimes the absence or decrease in the ability to smell is the result of chemical changes in the blood. This manifests itself in the form of nicotine starvation caused by nicotine addiction. As a rule, this condition is rare in medical practice. This is largely due to the limited use of medications that can affect the sense of smell, due to which the process of blocking the reaction to restore smell occurs after a significant amount of time. After all, medications do not always have an effect on the centers located in the head.

There are several types of dysfunction of the olfactory organs: hyposmia. Lack of one sense or both. Olfactory dysfunction, in which odor is felt but not perceived