Konyuga Anatomicheskaya

Conjugate (lat. coniuncta - connected, connection, ligament). Conjugate is the separation of the hips during pregnancy in the third trimester. If a pregnant woman has a breech fetus, the fetal legs determine their course, bringing them closer to the cervix and significantly bringing it closer to the fetal head. At the same time, the woman feels pressure on the fundus of the uterus from the outside, the stomach becomes hard to the touch. Ending in the first stage of labor with contractions of the perineal symphysis, the fetal head takes an anterior position, since mice are not able to descend further than the fetal head, located high above the pubic joint. A woman can accept a suitable insert head until the nasal bone erupts to the external nodes (time from 20 to 60

Medical conjugate is an anatomical value, this is the distance between the peritoneal region of the peritoneum and the sacrum within the spinal column. Depending on the size, the distance can be given different definitions, for example, in medicine, the conjugate is the distance from the depression on the pubic symphysis to the beginning of the ischium.