The hump and the winds in the hump

The hump is the departure of the vertebrae either into the back and anteriorly, then this is the hump of the front part, and some call it a convexity, and if the departure occurs with the participation of the sternum, it is called a protrusion or convexity, or there is a departure outward of the back and posteriorly, and this is rear hump; sometimes the vertebrae move to the side and this is called flattening. The causes of the hump are either external, for example, a blow or a fall and something similar to this, or bodily, such as paralyzing aqueous humor, causing slipperiness and relaxation of the ligaments, or moisture producing spasms. If the hump comes from paralyzing moisture, then it is most often a contraction, and it is not directed forward or backward. Sometimes the hump is caused by stuck winds that bend the vertebrae, or by a tumor or abscess that stretches the membranes on the side where it is located. Often, a tumor hump is cured when blood and pus flow out from the bottom, indicating that the tumor has matured and opened; Often such a tumor is solid. A hump also occurs due to convulsive contraction of the ligaments, but it rarely forms and quickly kills. All this occurs either with the participation of many vertebrae and gradually, or it happens differently.

A hump, especially a hump facing inwards, narrows the space for the lung and causes respiratory distress; if it forms in childhood, it does not allow the chest to expand and expand much, and this causes damage to the respiratory organs and it becomes difficult to breathe. Therefore, Hippocrates says: “Whoever is struck by a hump from shortness of breath or from coughing before he grows up will die.” The fact is that this indicates the passage of matter into the vertebrae, causing shortness of breath and coughing, which creates in them a very persistent abscess formed from thick matter; If this matter were not thick, the hump would not have formed because of it. And since this is the case, then the chest does not manage to expand enough to work the lungs and allow them to breathe well; on the contrary, breathing must necessarily become disordered, and this leads to death. Children develop a hump and winds in the spine if they are fed prematurely and the juices deviate towards their vertebrae. And the humpback’s legs are thin for the reason that the hump causes blockage of some passages and ducts through which nutrients flow.

Signs. A sign of a hump formed from external causes is the presence of these causes, and a sign of a hump due to the accumulation of moisture is the appearance, low absorption by the sore spot of the oil with which it is rubbed, the slowness of absorption and the previous moisturizing regime. A sign of a hump from a tumor is the condition of this place to the touch and, in particular, stabbing pain in it, as well as the fever that occurs in the patient. Signs of a hump due to dryness include indications that the body is dry, that the patient has been exposed to fevers and bowel movements, as well as the rapid absorption of oil by the body.

Treatment of hump and winds in the vertebrae. Wet and dry diseases of this kind are treated in the same way as paralysis, wet spasms and dry spasms are treated with regard to the need for or refusal of bowel movements, the quality of dressings and waterings, and the like. The rule for using medicines for a hump that is not dry is that they should be astringent in order to tighten the ligaments that have weakened so much that the vertebrae have deviated to the side, warming in order to strengthen them, and absorbent in order to disperse fluids that relax the ligaments or promote their relaxation. The fact is that if you limit yourself to astringents, you can strengthen the ligaments, but the matter, since it has not been absorbed, may move to another organ. Most often it passes down, for example, to the legs, and causes paralysis or something similar in them, depending on what the matter is in terms of liquid or thickness and how much it has mixed with the blood, absorbed and made its way into the given organ. But if it was preceded by cleansing, then there is nothing wrong with using astringents.

Sometimes binding, warming and resorption are combined in one thing, as they are combined in cypress cones and leaves, laurel leaves, fragrant reeds, ushnana, and elecampane. Medicines are often made from astringent and cold substances, for example, roses, acacia and pomegranate flowers, as well as hot and absorbable substances, such as laurel drupe, beaver stream, oleander leaves, calamus. As for the oils that are useful for a wet hump, these are the oils of hot and astringent substances, for example, cypress cone oil or rue oil. Dissolving medicines with a high dissolution ability are added to the dressings, such as oleander leaves, calamus, beaver stream and rue, and good oils include rue oil, beaver stream oil and saliva extract oil with furbiyun, prepared as follows: take pepper, beaver stream, saliva extract, pulp coloquinta, furbiyuna and asafoetida and crumble all this into rue oil, and for one uqiya of medicine they take rittl of oil. Then the composition is placed in the sun, filtered after two weeks and the named medicines are put into it again; This is done several times, at least three, and consumed.

An oil that has a strong effect on both moisture hump and wind hump. They take juniper berries, wormwood, myrtle, cypress cones, saliva, marjoram, sweet clover, wild cumin, aromatic rush and Ceylon cinnamon, slowly boil in water, strain, pour half the amount of oil into the decoction as water and boil. This is repeated several times, then they are thrown into a decoction of beaver stream, furbiyun and crushed juniper berries and consumed. This medicine strengthens the diseased organ, disperses the winds and resolves thick, foreign fluids.

Wind hump bandage. They take liquid maya, bush, fragrant reed and juniper berries - one uqiya each, furbiyun - dirhams and spikenard oil in the required quantity.

As for the hump due to a tumor, it is treated in the same way as tumors that have difficulty ripening, opening and dissolving, which are especially hard tumors, are treated.

Description of dressings for a wet hump. An excellent dressing: take calamus and elecampane, boil them in cypress juice, after crushing them, and make a bandage from this on the sore spot.

A bandage useful for both wet and windy humps. They take elecampane, juniper berries and calamus, boil it in wine, then dissolve so much bdelium in this decoction that it becomes like an ointment, and use it.

And if treatment with drinking medications, bandages and the like does not work, then cauterization is used so that the relaxation passes and the sore spot hardens.