Hot testicular tumors

The tumor is sometimes in the testicle itself, and sometimes it is in the scrotum. A tumor in the scrotum can be felt and its quality determined in terms of hardness, softness and color. Sometimes with a tumor there is a fever, because the suffering organ is noble and connected with the heart. Often the scrotum in infants collapses and then returns to its place, and the testicles remain touching. After this, the scrotum grows and fuses and a hard sac is formed from it, not the same as it was before. Often the testicle is corroded and the patient has to be castrated if necessary so that the corroding does not spread. It often happens that testicular swelling goes away when a cough occurs, when the matter moves towards the chest.

Treatment. It is necessary to do bloodletting and release the nature, especially with the help of means used from below: when candles are used, the nature submits in a remarkable way and the matter is pulled towards the anus. Sometimes you have to repeat the bloodletting and, having let the blood flow from the vessel of the hand, then open the left vein; You should also consider which side the pain is felt on and let the blood flow from the opposite side. If the tumor has formed in both testicles together, then the entire amount of blood that needs to be taken is taken from both hands. It is also necessary to lighten the diet, avoiding meat and anything similar to it, and, if possible, keep the patient on a gentle diet. First, rags soaked in vinegar, rose water, cooling mucus and squeezed juices are applied to the organ, and when the swelling begins to increase, the following bandages and ointments are used.

Prescription ointment. Take the juice of black nightshade, the juice of pumpkin especially, the juice of fresh green cane, as well as chicory juice, barley and bean flour and a little saffron and rose oil and smear it with this; They also take bladder cherry leaves, barley flour, lentil flour, and cane leaves with bean flour and rose oil. We tested, by the way, bean flour and grated violet, taken in equal parts; they are mixed and a bandage is applied; in case of excessive pain and heat, it is necessary to mix in distracting agents, for example, henbane leaves. If there is some hardness in the tumor and the tumor has noticeably passed the initial stage, it should be used means promoting ripening, and the means closest to the initial stage of the disease that can cause ripening are bean flour, chamomile and marshmallow with flaxseed mucilage and maybukhtaj, as well as cabbage leaves with barley flour, egg yolk and rose oil. And when you need to induce tumor resorption and the growth has stopped, then one of the good remedies is seeded raisins with cumin. Both are ground and a bandage with grape must is prepared from it. Boiled cabbage leaves with fenugreek or bean flour with fatty, seeded raisins and cumin are also useful; All this is boiled with diluted wine and spread. Barley flour with cow feces is also useful; both are soaked in vinegar with a little cumin, adding a little black nightshade juice. Or they take date pits and marshmallows in equal parts and mix them with vinegar, or cabbage ash with the white or yolk of eggs, or wild kissa root with honey wine and iris rhizome flour; all this is rubbed like a plaster. They also take peeled Taif raisins - five parts, boiled “green seeds” - one and a half parts, cumin - one part, cabbage - nine parts, pine resin - three parts and mix it all with honey. For tumors with ulcers, silver scale is also used; it is boiled with olive oil until the oil becomes thick, then wax and ratiyanaja are added and removed from the heat.

They also take Nabataean resin and usshak in equal quantities, iris oil and melted cow butter in sufficient quantities, as well as basil root with oatmeal and flaxseed with water and honey or the grounds of old wine with oatmeal; They also use the medications we mentioned in the paragraph on cold tumors. Another strong medicine against a tumor that needs to be forced to ripen, as well as against a cold tumor and winds in the testicle: take black chickpeas and larkspur - one part each, burnt scorpions - one part and apply a bandage from this; pouring a little jasmine oil into the canal of the penis is also useful for swelling, especially when it is cold. It is also useful to hang madder over the tumor.

When the tumor is an abscess, then one of the acceptable methods of treatment is to open it near the scrotum. It is unacceptable to open a tumor somewhere near the anus - sometimes it turns into a malignant fistula, but, on the contrary, you should constantly apply rice flour mixed with water to it to prevent the formation of pus; at the end of the disease, musk with jasmine oil is injected into the canal of the penis - this is an excellent remedy - or one jasmine oil several times, this is enough.

Treatment of a cold tumor in the testicle. Such tumors often arise from malabsorption and dropsy and are treated with the ripening agents mentioned in the paragraph on hot tumor. These remedies include bean flour and fenugreek flour with wine boiled down to a third, as well as the following medicine: cabbage - forks, figs - five pieces, boil in water until they are boiled, apply a bandage from this. A stronger remedy: a plaster is prepared from chickpea flour, bean flour, cumin, kidney fat, chamomile, sweet clover and wax. Also: bdelium is bred in maybukhtaj and consumed; dripping jasmine oil into the penis canal several times is a useful, wonderful remedy. They also take mastic and anzarut, soak them in grape must or jasmine oil and lubricate the testicle area with this. Castor bean oil acts on testicular tumors due to its special properties; It is also useful to drip musk and jasmine oil into the penis canal - this is an extremely powerful remedy.

Treatment of a solid tumor in the testicle. Take figs and goose fat - one part each, olive leaves, cypress leaves and usshaj - half a part each and mix with grape must and melted cow butter. They also take kalkatar, lanolin, wax, rose oil, bone marrow from the leg of a deer and blackberry leaves in equal parts and prepare a mud cake from it. Or they take bdellia and ushshaja, diluted in wine boiled down to a third and bound with a small amount of flour and rose oil.

A good, proven way to treat this. They take bran and pound it all the time and sift it through a sieve until it is sifted. Then, dilute ushshak in sikanjubin, mix bran with it and constantly keep a poultice of this on the sore spot at moderate heat. The poultice is renewed all the time and helps with any hardening. It is also useful for a hard tumor to take chamomile, fenugreek, beans, ghee and condensed grape juice or boiled figs and make a bandage from it. They also take two parts of the ash of the seeds of famous dates - two parts, marshmallow - one part, grind with vinegar and make a medicinal bandage - this is useful.