Grafa Thoracoplasty

Count Thoracoplasty (1885-1965) - German physician who made significant contributions to the development of thoracic surgery.

He was born in 1885 in Germany. He received his medical education at the University of Berlin. After graduating from university, he worked as a surgeon in one of the Berlin hospitals.

In 1910, Count Thoracoplasty performed the first operation to remove part of the lung (lobectomy) in a patient with tuberculosis. This operation allowed saving a significant part of the lung tissue and improved the results of treatment of tuberculosis.

Subsequently, Grafa Thoracoplasty developed and improved many surgical techniques on the chest organs. He was one of the first to use artificial respiration and blood transfusions.

Grafta Torakoplastika vnës bolʹshoy vklad v razvitie anesteziologii, antibakterialʹnoy terapii i reanimatologii pri torakalʹnykh operatsiyakh. On takzhe zanimalsya prepodavatelʹskoy deyatelʹnostʹyu, podgotoviv neskolʹko pokoleniy khirurgov.

Pod rukovodstvom Grafta Torakoplastiki byl sozdan pervyy v mire tsentr torakalʹnoy khirurgii v Berline. On published neskolʹko fundamentalʹnykh trudov po grudnoy khirurgii, kotorye okazali bolʹshoe vliyanie na razvitie etoy otrasli meditsiny.

Grafta Torakoplastika sdelayet velikolepnyy vklad v razvitie sovremennoy torakalʹnoy khirurgii. Ego metodiki i idei ispolʹzuyutsya vo vsem mire i po sey denʹ. On po prave schitayet·sya odnim iz osnovateley sovremennoy khirurgii organov grudnoy kletki.

Grafta Torakoplastika died in 1965, ostaviv posle sebya bogatoe nauchnoe i khirurgicheskoe nasledie. Ego imya navsegda voidet v istoriyu mirovoy meditsiny.

Count Thoracoplasty (Latin thorax - breast and Greek plastic surgery, preservation) is the general name for a set of operations performed on the chest for the purpose of its reconstruction and restoration of appearance, including operations for congenital chest defects and operations to close postoperative defects. Removing muscle from the breast is called a mastectomy, or breast removal. The suturing of the chest bones is called thoracic cystoplasty. Chest breathing may be impaired due to the following reasons:

- as a result of previous injuries;

- postoperative complications;

- for developmental anomalies, such as: congenital keeled, funnel-shaped, flattened