Griesinger's Primordial Delirium

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**Delirium** is a mental disorder characterized by acute manifestations of emotional agitation, development as a result of various etiopathogenetic conditions. The main clinical picture of the disease is expressed in the form of progressive weakness, disorientation in space and time, loss of the ability to reason, hallucinatory and delusional experiences, and fragmentary thinking. One of the fundamental symptoms is fussiness, active interruption with mismatched words. This disorder is characterized from the very beginning as a clinically manifesting process (before the development of acute psychosis).

Delirious affectivity appears unsystematic and is sometimes accompanied by hysterical manifestations. This subjective state is a disordered state, that is, it occurs suddenly and is characterized by a picture of a pathological reflection of the environment that occurs during a temporary deep disorder of normal reflection. That is, delirium is a disease manifested by gradually progressive disorientation in space, in which it becomes impossible to distinguish real phenomena from imaginary ones, similar in content to real ones. When determining the clinical picture, it is possible to note the patient’s disorientation in place and time of year. Patients may incorrectly assess their situation and focus on the people around them, called loved ones, but not in reality.