Hydatid Testis

Testicular hydatid is a cyst-like formation that can occur on the surface of the testicle or inside it. Testicular hydatids can be either congenital or acquired.

Congenital testicular hydatides occur due to impaired development of the testicular membranes during fetal development. They may be single or multiple and may be associated with other testicular abnormalities. Congenital hydatides can cause testicular dysfunction and lead to infertility.

Acquired testicular hydatid usually occurs after testicular trauma or as a result of inflammatory processes in the testicles. They can form on the surface or inside the testicle, and may be accompanied by pain, swelling and testicular dysfunction.

Treatment of testicular hydatid depends on its size, location, and complications. They are usually removed surgically, but in some cases conservative treatment may be performed.

Testicular hydatides are a serious medical problem that can lead to testicular dysfunction and infertility. Therefore, it is necessary to promptly consult a doctor if symptoms of testicular hydatid appear and carry out the necessary treatment.

Testicular hydatids are formations that appear in the testicles or testicular cords. They can be either single or multiple. They represent a protrusion of the spermatic membranes of the testicle. These growths usually do not cause discomfort or pain when they are discovered. But they may require surgical removal in some cases. Testicular hydatidosis refers to impaired drainage of seminal fluid from the testicles in men and is called hydatidosis. Hydatiolosis is a benign testicular tumor affecting one or both testicles, pathological enlargement of lymphatic structures, located