Therapeutic mud

Medicinal mud or pleosorod are useful substances formed as a result of the natural deposition of salt and minerals in water basins, lakes, reservoirs, and underground lakes. Treatment occurs through the effects of mineral substances that enter the human skin through water or salt deposits, after which they are absorbed into the body.

Therapeutic peloidotherapy today as a method of therapy is used in almost all areas of medicine - surgical, gynecological, neurological, therapeutic, rehabilitation, sports and others. The chemical composition depends on the place of origin, for example: mineral salts, iodine, bromine, fluorine, manganese, zinc and many other elements, all of them have the ability to soften body tissues, thin the blood, improve blood circulation, stimulate intestinal function or, conversely, immobilize tissues and have an effect to other functions in the body. Various procedures or medicines are made from medicinal mud.